Plan for church

Key points:

  1. Church to continue in hall
  2. Sunday school (adults only) from 9:30am to 10:30am
  3. Main service 11:00am to 12:15pm
  4. No afternoon service.
  5. Limits on number of people in hall.
  6. You must register your details upon entry
  7. You must get your temperature tested upon entry.

Dear Open Bible Baptist Church,

We are so excited to announce that we can finally meet back at the hall! Praise God!

With that being said we all have to keep in mind that it comes with restrictions. We have to be diligent to observe all social distancing guidelines and sanitise/wash hands often while meeting together. There will be hand sanitiser stations throughout the building to make use of.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation we have to make some temporary changes to our services in order to meet.

Sunday School will be from 9:30am-10:30am then a 30 min break.

Main Service 11am-12:15pm.

No afternoon service at the moment.

Lord willing the  livestream will be up and going. Please pray for this.

We are limited to 50 people in our church service in the hall. Through much agonising and prayer we have decided that the policy will be that the first in will be seated. If someone arrives after we have reached capacity then they must by requirement stay out of the hall. We have no other choice. An overflow setup will be held at the back under the outside pavilion between the main hall and Sunday School rooms. (Be prepared by dressing warmly or bringing a warm blanket)

No children’s Sunday school can be held at the moment as we are not permitted classroom use so everyone will be together in main hall.

Every one is welcome to bring food that has been carefully prepared with every precaution of cleanliness in mind. Please keep in mind that we will not be having a full meal but instead snacks and finger foods. Food that can be easily served individually and hygienically by our food workers. We will have morning tea at 10:30 and snacks for after the main service.

Below is the list of essential workers. Please check the list for your name. If you are on this list be prepared to arrive at or before service to carry out your role or duties. If for some reason you cannot carry out these duties please let me know. I completely understand if you cannot do these or are not ready to attend because of personal reasons or health concerns. Please contact me and I can remove you from the list.

This Sunday I will discuss with you your individual duties if you do not understand what they are. If you need clarification of your duties before then please contact me with my details below. Otherwise show up early or on time to discuss with me in person.

Essential Workers

1. Pastor-Jason

2. Pastor’s Wife-Hannah

3. Song leader 1-Bro. Ray

4.Song leader 2 Bro. Jim

5. Pianist Sis Rebekah

6. Musician/Guitarist Sis Sheena

7.U sher 1. Bro. Joseph

8. Usher 2. Bro. Robby

9. Kitchen 1. Sis. May

10. Kitchen 2. Sis Jean

11. Food Services 1. Sis Micha

12. Food Services 2.Sis Norma

13. Video Engineer 1. Bro. Josh

14. Video Engineer 2. Sis. Zipporah

15. Sound Engineer 1. Bro. Edem

16. Sound Engineer 2. Bro. Nick

17. Church Setup 1.Bro. Tolu

18. Church Setup 2.Bro. Titi

19.Takedown/Cleaner 1. Bro. Julian

20. Takedown/Cleaner 2. Bro. Ronel

21. Church Bus Driver. Bro. Paul

22. Church First Aid. Sis Bimbola

23. Church Health and Sanitation Director. Dr. Razaq

I will need everyone’s help in this one.


We will only have our main entry doors opened and not the back or side doors as we need to maintain a strict count. The only time the back doors should be opened is to take out rubbish then immediately closed.


Everyone’s temperature will be taken and then will be asked to sign in with their name and mobile number upon arrival to adhere to strict government guidelines. (No exceptions!) This will be carried out electronically by use of your smartphones if you have one. If you do not then it will be manual. Ushers will help you with this process.

Electronic sign in is a very straight forward process and becoming standard practice in many businesses. You basically open your smartphone camera and point it at the barcode and a link will pop up which will take you to a form to enter your first and last name and mobile number. That’s it. We are required to keep these for 4 weeks in case of a breakout so we can contact trace and alert everyone in attendance. This is not immediately shared with the government. That only happens in case there is a breakout.

The government’s advice (not law) is not to have congregational singing or to have masks while doing so. We plan on singing without masks. Masks will be optional and up to the individual.

Masks will be provided at the entrance for anyone who wants or desires to have one.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

God bless you!

Pastor Jason and Leadership

Open Bible Baptist Church

Mobile: 0498986617

[email protected]