Dear OBBC,
The inner west Covid cluster has grown around the area of our church. As a church we have reason for concern being that it is all around the area. I want us all to use wisdom to work together to protect everyone in the church from getting sick.
I do not think it would be wise to proceed as normal and ignore what is happening in our community and risk our vulnerable saints getting sick.
I realise many of you have very strong and different opinions concerning Covid but nevertheless we must all work together to prevent it coming into our church.
1. Masks are now mandatory in churches as well as shopping centres. This applies to individuals 12 years old and up. The ruling states individuals may receive an on the spot fine of $200 if caught not wearing one. Masks are available at the door for your convenience. It is NOT required by law for the church to refuse entry to anyone for not wearing a mask but is left up to the individual to be responsible for themselves and their family. (For example there is a church member who cannot wear a mask due to breathing and health complications).
2. Temporarily we will not be serving any food.
3. Congregational singing continues to be prohibited and on hold. We will have individual or small group singing specials only.
4. As always hand sanitiser will be provided and encouraged.
5. Vulnerable saints are encouraged to use their own discretion and judgement on whether to join in person or to participate in the services at home via live stream. My personal advice would be to enjoy service at home temporarily until this passes.
6. Concerning fellowship before and after service please keep strict physical distance of 1.5 meters between one another.
7. As always please follow strict signing in upon arrival.
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Jason.