Yes! Church is open again... (24 October 2021)
As you would all know, due to unfortunate restrictions imposed by NSW Government, we have not been able to meet in person since June 2021. Yes, church has still been running via live stream (youtube) and also with many weekly fellowship meetings via zoom. However, as most of you have noticed, it is simply not the same as meeting in person (Hebrews 10:25).
With that said, we are excited to announce church services will resume as of 24/10/2021!
BAD news…
1. We are unable to meet in our normal meeting place (Ashbury Public School) as the NSW department of Education still have some restrictions…
2. We can only meet on Sundays in person. At this stage, Wednesday night services will remain via live stream (youtube).
GOOD news…
1. We can start meeting together…
2. Whilst we cannot meet at Ashbury Public School until further notice, we have secured access to a building for every Sunday service.
3. If you are not vaccinated, you can still come!
4. Did I mention that we can start meeting together?!
Google maps
To use turn by turn navigation with Google maps
Public transport
To use a public transport planning tool.
1. What is the address?
Answer: the address is 1a Marlborough Street, Drummoyne. Click here for Google maps.
2. If I am unvaccinated can I still come?
Answer: Yes. We will not be discriminating against unvaccinated.
3. What time is services?
Answer: 9:30am – 12:30pm as of 24/10/2021.
4. Will there be food for everyone?
Answer: We will not be having a sit down lunch until further notice. However, there will be tea/coffee/biscuits.
5. What about Live stream
Answer:Live stream will continue as normal. We encourage you to come along, we miss you!
6. What about Wednesday night services?
Answer: Unfortunately, they will remain online only (youtube live stream) as we could not secure a location to meet in.
7.. What about kids sunday school?
Answer: Unfortunately, kids sunday school will be postponed for the time being.
8. Is there any big landmarks to find it easily
Answer: Yes, it is opposite the fire station and also IGA.
9. How do I get there?
Answer: There are many ways (public transport is easily accessible). There is also a carpark with a short walk to the church building. If you are travelling via public transport, you can click this link and type your address “from” and the “to” should already be pre-filled with the church address: