Sydney, Australia

Building Project

Our History

Our church began in Sydney in 2001 after a group of saved Bible believing baptists came together with a common desire to have a church which truly believed and taught the King James 1611 Bible is the word of God. This is because they grew weary of being in churches which just used the KJV and claimed they believed it only to have the pastors and teachers claim later it had errors and contradictions.

The group then sought out a pastor and meeting place. In a short time God provided both! The group contacted and visited Pastor John Wheat in Queanbeyan NSW who believed the Bible and had started a Bible believing Baptist church there. After this group of believers shared their heart and vision, God called Pastor John Wheat to Sydney to help establish the church there. Pastor Wheat turned the church in Queanbeyan over to a young man he had trained in the ministry and moved to Sydney where Open Bible Baptist Church was formed. God called Pastor Wheat home to heaven after pastoring the church for 10 years.

Pastor Jason Young was saved at the age of 15 and called to preach at 17. He surrendered to go to Bible school shortly afterwards and attended and graduated from Pensacola Bible Institute. Upon graduating God dealt with his heart about going to the mission field. In 2006 he came to Australia to visit and help out on the mission field. While he was there God confirmed in his heart the call to Australia. After ministering in Australia for 8 years God called him to be our Pastor in 2014.


Our Vision

Our vision is to purchase a church home of our own. Having a church of our own would solve many issues we have faced over the years, but more so recently between 2019-2022 when COVID hit, because we currently rent a school hall, even though our Government allowed us to meet as a church, the school did not.

We also face issues such as, we can only use the hall on Wednesday evenings and Sunday which proves extremely difficult trying to organise any meetings outside those days.

This new church home will have a space for our main service, kids Sunday school, youth, mid-week meetings, bible school/institute and a small café to connect and build relationships.

We currently meet in the suburb of “Ashbury”, therefore, we desire to find property within a 15km (9 mile) radius. Sydney itself has a population of approximately 5.5 million. According to the most recent Census data, 55% of people over the age of 15 state they have “NO RELIGION”.

Sydney itself is also very multi-cultural where only 37.4% of people living here were born in Australia. This is evident as the people within our church are made up of over 27 different nationalities.

Based on our research and advice from others, the average cost of a house here is $1.6 million dollars. The cost of a church building would cost anywhere between $2.5 – 4 million dollars.

To achieve this vision the initial GOAL is to raise $850,000 as a deposit on a loan.

With the Lord’s blessing hand, we currently have $560,000 in savings. We are therefore still lacking some.

By faith and sacrifice, we can purchase a church home facility to help people connect with God, grow in relationship, discover their purpose, fulfil their destiny, and leave a legacy for future generations.

We thank you for partnering with the vision!


Ways to give

We have a number of different methods for you to give specifically toward our building fund.

Bank transfer for those in Australia.

Name: Open Bible Baptist
BSB: 032-277
Account No: 573043

Please scan this QR code OR CLICK HERE

We currently accept all major credit and debit cards.

For your peace of mind, we do NOT store any of you card details, you will be sent to our bank provider who will process the payment for you.
